WANG Ni, architect.

Born in Chengdu in 1984, WANG Ni graduated from the University of Sydney, Australia with a bachelor's and a master's degree in architecture. In 2013, she founded Atelier About Architecture, presided over the architectural and interior design and renovation projects including the headquarters of China Resources University in Xiong'an, W House, Apartment 55, The Dog House, among a few others. The atelier was successively selected in 2015, 2017 and 2019 in AD100 by Architectural Digest China. WANG Ni is committed to exploring the enlightenment on modern life from the interaction between Eastern and Western civilizations, and to extracting the beauty of everyday life to transform it into a synesthetic experience in contemporary context, so as to discuss the introvert meaning of life style.


1984年出生于成都,毕业于澳大利亚悉尼大学,获得建筑学本科及硕士学位。 2013年创办左通右达建筑工作室,并在全球多个国家参与实践了建筑和室内设计。“左通右达”的名字灵感源于《千字文》中“右通广内,左达承明“,“左通右达”取其中正圆融的意向并作为日常工作方法的精神指导。工作室致力于寻求东西方文明之间的影响,矛盾与互融,探讨其对于现代生活的启示,在当代语境下提取日常与自然之美转化为通感体验,通过抽象概念到物理建造的转化,进而讨论生活方式的内向精神意义。
左通右达建筑工作室提供建筑,室内,景观,家具以及装置等全方位的专业设计服务,作品包括雄安华润大学总部,W之家,Apartment 55, 犬之家等建筑项目与室内改造项目,并于2015,2017,2019年连续获选“安邸100”榜单。 已完成或正在进行的项目包括私人美术馆、艺术工作室、精品酒店、餐厅、私人住宅、城市商业建筑等等,项目分布在北京、上海、苏州、成都、广州等地。

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102, Unit 7, Building 26, Upper East Side, No. 6, North East Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing